I'm recently graduated with a Master's degree in Information Technology and Management at Illinois Institute of Technology. Being a highly focused and determined person, I find learning new technologies and using them to automate complex tasks fascinating. I firmly believe that controlling complexity is the essence of computer programming.
I hold a key interest in developing front-end web applications and software development. I want to be able to create consumer-friendly web applications with rich, dynamic, and powerful User-Interfaces. My end goal is to become a versatile engineer who can apply the skills acquired over the years to build efficient tools that serve the industry in the long run.
Develop an intuitive and user-friendly website for live tracking of COVID-19 cases in 108 countries. Develop using Redux and ReactJS components to call the Mathdroid API and display the data in a graphical format. Mobile Responsive design the user interface using MaterialUI. Create repository for source control using Git and deploy the application on Netlify.
Hosted: Corona Tracker Git_Link: Github
Developed Imaging Processing Application and deployed using 3 tire cloud native application architecture using various Amazon Cloud Services such as Auto-Scaling, Cloud based database(Dynamo DB), SNS and Lambda function to process raw image and storing processed image in different S3 Bucket.
Git_Link : Github
This is a Digital marketing website which provides information to users about popular electronic gadgets and twitter feeds of latest released products. Product information and their Reviews are collected from multiple platforms like Amazon , BestBuy using Datafiniti
Develop a web application that leverages Yelp APIs to allow users to build efficient trip itineraries based on their inputs and preferences. HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Node JS, Express, MongoDB, Jest, pug, OpenLayers Maps were used to develop itineraries trip.
Git_Link: Github
This is Replica of Amazon Website. Which includes Functionalities like: Create Account, Login, Add Items to bucket, Cart, Payment etc
Hosted: Amazon-Clone Git_Link: Github